The course encompasses 13 pre-recorded lectures of 30 to 50 minutes each.
The lecturers are from Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, and the United States.
The overarching goal of the course is to provide the attendees with the necessary knowledge to effectively diagnose and manage common dermatological diseases of dogs and cats.
Listed below are the specific learning objectives of each lecture.
1.Approach to the dermatology patient: history, physical examination, and pattern recognition.
Learning objectives
- Learn the key questions to ask when soliciting a dermatological history
- Know how to perform a systematic physical examination of the skin
- Be able to recognize the typical lesion distribution of the following diseases: sarcoptic mange, cheyletiellosis, demodicosis, flea bite dermatitis and food-induced or environmental-induced atopic dermatitis
2.Cutaneous lesions: recognition and significance.
Learning objectives
- Be able to recognize the various dermatological lesions
- Be able to associate skin lesions with diseases
3.Diagnostic methods in dermatology: from skin scrapings to skin biopsy.
Learning objectives
- Learn the importance of the commonly used diagnostic methods in dermatology and when to perform them.
- Learn the steps to performing the commonly used diagnostic methods in dermatology
- Learn the best methods to sample lesions according to their characteristics and locations
4.Skin cytology: sampling methods and main non-neoplastic findings.
Learning objectives
- Know the importance of performing skin cytology
- Learn the steps for collecting samples from various lesions for skin cytology
- Learn how to prepare the samples for microscopic examination
- Learn to interpret the results
5.A systematic approach to diagnosing papular, pustular and crusty dermatoses.
Learning objectives
- Be able to formulate a sensible list of differential diagnoses for papular, pustular and crusty dermatoses.
- Learn the historical findings and clinical signs/features that can help you rank the list of differential diagnoses
- Learn the diagnostic tests to perform to help you diagnose the diseases associated with these lesions
6.A systematic approach to canine inflammatory alopecia.
Learning objectives
- Be able to formulate a sensible list of differential diagnoses for dogs that present with inflammatory alopecia
- Learn the historical findings and clinical signs/features that can help you rank the list of differential diagnoses
- Learn the diagnostic tests to perform to help you diagnose the diseases associated with inflammatory alopecia
7.Pruritus: from clinical presentation to diagnosis
Learning objectives
- Learn the pruritus behavior of dogs and cats
- Be able to formulate a sensible list of differential diagnosis for dogs and cats that present with a history of pruritus
- Learn the history findings and clinical signs/features that can help you diagnose the most common pruritic skin diseases of dogs and cats
- Learn to approach the pruritic animal systematically by taking into consideration each differential diagnosis and reaching the correct final diagnosis
8.Therapy of allergic pruritus
Learning objectives
- Be aware of the current treatment options for allergic pruritic skin diseases
- Learn the facts that can help you design a treatment plan for the itchy patient
- Be aware of the side effects associated with the discussed anti-pruritic and anti-inflammatory drugs
9.Otitis externa: clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment
Learning objectives
- Learn the predisposing factors of otitis externa
- Learn the primary and secondary causes of otitis externa
- Learn the clinical presentations of otitis externa
- Learn the steps to diagnose otitis externa.
- Learn how to treat otitis externa and the important measures to prevent it.
10.Canine demodicosis: classification, diagnosis and management
Learning objectives
- Learn the classification of canine demodicosis and its relevance
- Learn the important historical findings and clinical signs/features of this disease
- Learn the different diagnostic methods to investigate the presence of Demodex mites in the skin
Learn how to treat demodicosis in dogs.
11.Feline demodicosis: classification, diagnosis and management.
Learning objectives
- Learn the different types of demodicosis in cats
- Learn the important historical findings and clinical signs/features of the disease types
- Learn the different diagnostic methods to investigate the presence of Demodex mites in the skin
- Learn how to treat demodicosis in cats
Canine and feline pruritic parasitic skin diseases: how to diagnose and treat them
Learning objectives
- Know the parasitic skin diseases of dogs and cats that cause pruritus
- Learn the important historical findings and clinical signs/features that can help you diagnose these diseases
- Know the sensitivity of the skin scraping method in diagnosing these parasitic diseases and the diagnostic alternatives when the skin scraping is negative
- Learn how to treat these parasitic skin diseases, especially the extra steps in managing the contagious ones
13.Diagnosis and management of dermatophytosis
Learning objectives
- Learn the history, risk factors and clinical signs that can aid in the diagnosis of dermatophytosis
- Learn the diagnostic tests that should be performed to confirm a presumptive clinical diagnosis of dermatophytosis
- Learn how to manage dermatophytosis including treatment and monitoring.
lets go ….
The course encompasses 13 pre-recorded lectures of 30 to 50 minutes each.
- basic knowledge about dermatology general practice.
- basic knowledge about histology of the skin.
- download presentations files
- mant lecturers
Target audiences
- students and vets